As some people have pointed out, writing a regular expression to parse some of the more complicated grammar’s we use when developing is a good way to summon the elder gods. So I created this page to serve as a peek into the various regex spells that can be used to awaken the Old Ones that slumber beneath the sea in R’lyeh. All the examples are from Ruby, but are easy enough to translate to PCRE/PHP/Perl/C#/etc.
String literals on one line:
/^" ([^"\\] | \\ ["\\bfnrt\/] | \\ u\h{4} | \\ [0-7]{3} | \\ x\h{2} )* "$/x
(?<number> -? (?= [1-9]|0(?!\d) ) \d+ (\.\d+)? ([eE] [+-]? \d+)? ){0}
(?<boolean> true | false | null ){0}
(?<string> " ([^"\\]* | \\ ["\\bfnrt\/] | \\ u [0-9a-f]{4} )* " ){0}
(?<array> \[ (?: \g<json> (?: , \g<json> )* )? \s* \] ){0}
(?<pair> \s* \g<string> \s* : \g<json> ){0}
(?<object> \{ (?: \g<pair> (?: , \g<pair> )* )? \s* \} ){0}
(?<json> \s* (?: \g<number> | \g<boolean> | \g<string> | \g<array> | \g<object> ) \s* ){0}
\A \g<json> \Z
A Regex for A Regex
This matches most single line regular expressions. It isn’t perfect (note the improper handling of noncapturing group prefixes), but it is a starting point, and shows how complex our regular expression syntax is!
(?<group> \( (?: \? (?: \g<modifier>*: | ! | = ) | ) \g<root>* \) ){0}
(?<modifier> i | m | x | o ){0}
(?<escaped> \\ (?: \( | \) | \[ | \] | \{ | \} | \. | \? | \+ | \* | \\ | \/ )){0}
(?<raw> [^\\\(\)\[\]\{\}\?\+\*\/]){0}
(?<class> \[ \^? \g<raw>+ \] ){0}
(?<matcher> \g<escaped> | \g<raw> | \g<class> ){0}
(?<anchor> \\ (?: A | z ) | \^ | \$ ){0}
(?<quantifier> \? | \* | \+ | \{ \d+ (?: , (?: \d+ ) )? \} ){0}
(?<root> \g<matcher> \g<quantifier>? | \g<anchor> | \g<group>\g<quantifier>? ){0}
\A\/ \g<root>* \/ \g<modifier>*\z
Email Addresses
Believe it or not, an email address is a fairly complex thing, and can be formed in many different ways. This is drawn from RFC 5322, with support for obsolete syntax stripped out (it would be almost double the length if I left that in):
# From RFC 5322 s 3.2.1
(?<quoted-pair> \\ [\x21-\x7e \t]){0}
# From RFC 5322 s 3.2.2
(?<FWS> [ \t]*\r\n[ \t]+){0}
(?<ctext> [\x21-\x27\x2a-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]){0}
(?<ccontent> \g<ctext> | \g<quoted-pair> | \g<comment>){0}
(?<comment> \( (?:\g<FWS>? \g<ccontent>)* \g<FWS>? \)){0}
(?<CFWS> (?: \g<FWS>? \g<comment> )+ | \g<FWS>){0}
# From RFC 5322 s 3.2.3
(?<atext> [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]){0}
(?<atom> \g<CFWS>? \g<atext>+ \g<CFWS>?){0}
(?<dot-atom-text> \g<atext>+ (?:\. \g<atext>+)*){0}
(?<dot-atom> \g<CFWS>? \g<dot-atom-text> \g<CFWS>?){0}
(?<specials> [()\[\]<>:;@\\,."]){0}
# From RFC 5322 s 3.2.4
(?<qtext> [\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]){0}
(?<qcontent> \g<qtext> | \g<quoted-pair>){0}
(?<quoted-string> \g<CFWS>? " (?:\g<FWS>? \g<qcontent>)* \g<FWS>? " \g<CFWS>?){0}
# From RFC 5322 s 3.2.5
(?<word> \g<atom> | \g<quoted-string>){0}
(?<phrase> \g<word>+){0}
(?<unstructured> (?:\g<FWS>? [\x21-\x7e])* [ \t]*){0}
# From RFC 5322 s 3.4
(?<address> \g<mailbox> | \g<group>){0}
(?<mailbox> \g<name-addr> | \g<addr-spec>){0}
(?<name-addr> \g<display-name>? \g<angle-addr>){0}
(?<angle-addr> \g<CFWS>? <\g<addr-spec>> \g<CFWS>?){0}
(?<group> \g<display-name> : \g<group-list>? ; \g<CFWS>?){0}
(?<display-name> \g<phrase>){0}
(?<mailbox-list> \g<mailbox> (?:,\g<mailbox>)*){0}
(?<address-list> \g<address> (?:,\g<address>)*){0}
(?<group-list> \g<mailbox-list> | \g<CFWS>){0}
# From RFC 5322 s 3.4.1
(?<addr-spec> \g<local-part> @ \g<domain>){0}
(?<local-part> \g<dot-atom> | \g<quoted-string>){0}
(?<domain> \g<dot-atom> | \g<domain-literal>){0}
(?<domain-literal> \g<CFWS>? \[ (?:\g<FWS>? \g<dtext>)* \g<FWS>? \] \g<CFWS>?){0}
(?<dtext> [\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e]){0}
\A \g<mailbox> \Z
XML 1.1 (from the standard)
This one frustated me a bit. Turns out the W3C uses SEBNF, which includes some non-trivial syntax that makes the grammar a non-LL(1) grammar. I’ve marked some of the problematic groups with comments, and I’ve left the latter half of the grammar as an exercise for the reader.
# This group is the root group, but is also responsible for checking that no restricted chars are used.
(?<document> (?! \g<Char>* \g<RestrictedChar> \g<Char>* )
\g<prolog> \g<element> \g<Misc>* ){0}
(?<Char> [\u{1}-\u{d7ff}] | [\u{e000}-\u{fffd}] | [\u{10000}-\u{10ffff}] ){0}
(?<RestrictedChar> [\x01-\x08] | [\x0b-\x0c] | [\x0e-\x1f] | [\x7f-\x84] | [\x86-\x9f] ){0}
(?<Whitespace> [\x20\x09\x0d\x0a]+ ){0}
(?<NameStartChar> : | [A-Z] | _ | [a-z] | [\xc0-\xd6] | [\xd8-\xf6] | [\u{f8}-\u{2ff}]
| [\u{370}-\u{37d}] | [\u{37f}-\u{1fff}] | [\u{200c}-\u{200d}] | [\u{2070}-\u{218f}]
| [\u{2c00}-\u{2fef}] | [\u{3001}-\u{d7ff}] | [\u{f900}-\u{fdcf}] | [\u{fdf0}-\u{fffd}]
| [\u{10000}-\u{effff}] ){0}
(?<NameChar> \g<NameStartChar> | - | \. | ){0}
(?<Name> \g<NameStartChar> (?:\g<NameChar>)* ){0}
(?<Names> \g<Name> (?: \x20 \g<Name>)* ){0}
(?<NameToken> \g<NameChar>+ ){0}
(?<NameTokens> \g<NameToken> (?: \x20 \g<NameToken>)* ){0}
(?<EntityValue> " ([^%&"] | \g<PEReference> | \g<Reference>)* "
| ' ([^%&'] | \g<PEReference> | \g<Reference>)* ' ){0}
(?<AttValue> " ([^<&"] | \g<Reference> )* "
| ' ([^<&'] | \g<Reference> )* ' ){0}
(?<SystemLiteral> " [^"]* " | ' [^']* ' ){0}
(?<PubidLiteral> " \g<PubidChar>* " | ' (?: (?! ' ) \g<PubidChar> )* ' ){0}
(?<PubidChar> \x20 | \x0d | \x0a | [a-zA-Z0-9] | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%] ){0}
# CharData is a problem to parse. It basically matches everything, with some exceptions (which I'd implement as negative lookaheads)
(?<CharData> [^<&]* (?= \]\]> ) ){0}
(?<Comment> <!-- ((\g<Char> - -) | (- )) -->)
# you can continue this one on your own, but I'm calling it quits here. The grammar isn't specified in a manner that makes it easy to translate to the regexp syntax
Java 1.7:
Built from the JLS reference grammar. I didn’t finish it, but that’s because it would make this post about 10x longer. You get the gist from this, at least.
(?<identifier> (?!\g<keyword>)\g<identifier_chars> ){0}
(?<identifier_chars> ){0}
(?<qualified_identifier> \g<identifier> (?: \. \g<identifier> )* ){0}
(?<qualified_identifier_list> \g<qualified_identifier (?: \, \g<qualified_identifier> )* ){0}
(?<compilation_unit> (?: (?: \g<annotations> )? package \g<qualified_identifier> ; )? \g<import_declaration>* \g<type_declaration>* ){0}
(?<import_declaration> import (?: static )? \g<identifier> (?: \. \g<identifier> )* (?: \. \* )? ){0}
(?<type_declaration> \g<class_or_interface_declaration> | ; ){0}
(?<class_or_interface_declaration> (?: \g<modifier> )* (?: \g<class_declaration> | \g<interface_declaration> ) ){0}
(?<class_declaration> \g<normal_class_declaration> | \g<enum_declaration> ){0}
(?<interface_declaration> \g<normal_interface_declaration> | \g<annotation_type_declaration> ){0}
(?<normal_class_declaration> class \g<identifier> \g<type_parameters>? (?: extends \g<Type> )? (?: implements \g<type_list> )? \g<class_body> ){0}
(?<enum_declaration> enum \g<identifier> (?: implements \g<type_list> )? \g<enum_body> ){0}
(?<normal_interface_declaration> interface \g<identifier> \g<type_parameters>? (?: extends \g<type_list> )? \g<interface_body> ){0}
(?<annotation_type_declaration> @ interface \g<identifier> \g<annotation_type_body> ){0}
(?<type> \g<basic_type> (?: \[\] )* | \g<reference_type> (?: \[\] )* ){0}
(?<basic_type> byte | short | char | int | long | float | double | boolean ){0}
(?<reference_type> \g<identifier> \g<type_arguments>? (?: \. \g<identifier> \g<type_arguments>? )* ){0}
(?<type_arguments> < \g<type_argument> (?: , \g<type_argument> )* > ){0}
(?<type_argument> \g<reference_type> | ? (?: (?: extends | super ) \g<reference_type> )? ){0}
(?<nonwildcard_type_arguments> < \g<type_list> > ){0}
(?<type_list> \g<reference_type (?: , \g<reference_type )* ){0}
(?<type_argument_or_diamond> < > | \g<type_arguments> ){0}
(?<nonwildcard_type_arguments_or_diamond> < > | \g<nonwildcard_type_arguments> ){0}
(?<type_parameters> < \g<type_parameter> (?: , \g<type_parameter> )* > ){0}
(?<type_parameter> \g<identifier> (?: extends \g<bound> )? ){0}
(?<bound> \g<reference_type> (?: & \g<reference_type )* ){0}
(?<modifier> \g<annotation> | public | protected | private | static | abstract | final | native | synchronized | transient | volatile | strictfp ){0}
(?<annotations> \g<annotation> (?: \g<annotation> )* ){0}
(?<annotation> @ \g<qualified_identifier> (?: \( \g<annotation_element>? \) )? ){0}
(?<annotation_element> \g<element_value_pairs> | \g<element_value> ){0}
(?<element_value_pairs> \g<element_value_pair> (?: \g<element_value_pair> )* ){0}
(?<element_value_pair> \g<identifier> = \g<element_value> ){0}
(?<element_value> \g<annotation> | \g<expression1> | \g<element_value_array_initializer> ){0}
(?<element_value_array_initializer> (?: \g<element_values>? ,? )* ){0}
(?<element_values> \g<element_value> (?: \g<element_value> )* ){0}
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn